Investment Analysis

G-ROI® calculations are based on the following statistics for U.S. offices:

  • Number of U.S. office buildings: 736,000 buildings
  • Total square footage of U .S. offices: 12,044,000,000 sq. ft.
  • Percentage of offices relative to total U .S. properties (non-residential): 17.9%
  • Average hours of office operation: 53 hours/week
  • Average annualized hours of operation: 2,756 hours/year
  • Average commercial cost of one kWh: 10.6 cents/kWh
  • Annual electricity consumption for office lighting: 82 billion kWh/year
  • Average traditional office lighting cost per sq. ft. per year: $0.72
  • Pounds of CO2 saved for every $1 of electricity saved: 13 lbs
  • Pounds of CO2 emitted annually for mid-sized SUV/ car: 12,000 lbs (6 Tons)

The G-ROI® calculations below are also based on key data for LED Lighting:

  • LED kWh reduction over a blended average of traditional and fluorescent lamps: 50%
  • LED lifetime expectancy: 50,000 hours
  • Lifetime expectancy of LEDs for average offices given average operating hours: 18.1 years
  • Average savings per foot/year with LEDs: $0.36
  • To put this level of savings in context across the other types of properties, see Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 of this G-ROI® Report.

National Impact Data: The previous information was taken from U.S. Census, DOE, ENERGY STAR, and private sector data.

G-ROI® for U.S. Office Buildings
  • Annual savings for offices with LED retrofits: $4,346,000,000
  • Savings over the life of the LED retrofits: $78,846,153,846
  • Annual reduction of CO2 emissions with LED retrofits: 28,249,000 Tons
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions over the life of the LED retrofit: 512,500,000 Tons
  • Total CO2 equivalent in vehicles taken off the road: 4,708,167 vehicles

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