On Processed Food, Nutrition, and Advertising

Jake de Grazia
Posted on Tuesday 30th March 2010

PSFK's Piers Fawkes posted a great little article on Tuesday about food education and manipulative marketing.

His focus is on two ads, one for Ragu spaghetti sauce, the other for Hellmann's mayonaisse. Both brands belong to Unilever.

And Fawkes is disappointed, both in Unilever and in the ad agencies that work with them:

It’s not that we have a major problem with Unilever making products they want to – it’s just the way the soap-maker promotes them as healthy foods. It leaves us wondering which ad agencies are making these ads for them? Surely they should understand the conversation that is taking place around these food and health, and be advising the clients against putting out such work. But then again, Unilever seems to have large enough budgets to overcome ethics in the creative community.

In case you missed it above, here's a link to the PSFK post.

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