4 Simple Eco Home Improvements

GREENandSAVE staff
Posted on Tuesday 4th August 2009

There are many simple and cost-efficient improvements that you can make to your water heating system that will really add up to big savings. When combined with our water heating habit adjustments, they can return a substantial payback.

  • Lower you hot water temperature- Reduce the temperature of water in your storage tank to about 120°F. Do not bring it below, however, because bacteria and water-borne microbes can thrive in cooler temperatures.

  • Evaluate your showerheads- Showering is usually the biggest hot water use in the home and therefore one of the prime spaces where consumption needs to be reduced. The average low-flow showerhead should deliver less than 2.5 gallons per minute. Investing in one of these can multiply your water-heating savings. You’ll also be saving the energy it would take to heat the water that you’re no longer using.

  • Installing a water heater blanket - Older water heaters usually only have a small layer of fiberglass insulation which is insufficient to prevent heat loss. Newer heaters have better insulation, but adding a water heater blanket to either version will not hurt. The blankets are available for as little as $10 in most hardware stores, so go get yours and start saving today!

  • Insulating hot water lines - You can further reduce energy consumption by insulating your hot water pipes. Pipe insulation can vary between $10 to $30 to cover all of your needs and you will see the payback in as little as 5 years.

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