Helpful Green Tips for Removing Carpet Stains

Posted on Friday 4th September 2009

Forty years ago, you may have been able to get away with your tie die looking rug, but that excuse is not going to work anymore. It’s time to say goodbye to the grime and get your carpet looking good as new. The easiest step to cleaning your carpet is turning to your trusty vacuum. Vacuuming will lift all of the easy to remove discoloration left behind by dirt, dust, pets, and hair. When it comes to stains however, things get a little more tricky. Stains left behind by food, beverages, and liquids are some of the most stubborn stains to remove. And if you have a young kid or an ornery pet, you know this all too well. As the old adage goes, no use crying over spilled milk. Here we offer a few tips to remember what your carpet looked like before it went Dalmatian.

  1. Don’t be too eager. Products need time to cling to stains in order to lift them. To avoid pouring more products and toxins into the air, let your treatment sit for about 30 minutes of as directed and then scrub to remove stain.

  2. Try to get to the accident ASAP! The longer you wait, the deeper the stain sinks in. Lift what you can with a towel or rag, and treat what’s left.

  3. Employ the magical secret recipe straight from your kitchen cabinet and faucet: one quarter cup white vinegar mixed with two cups of water should do justice to any light colored fabric. And it’s all natural!

  4. Always treat stains with cold water. Heat whether it’s in the form of water or drying sets in stains. Repeatedly apply cold water to flush the fabric and allow your treatments to work more effectively.

  5. Blot stains to avoid spreading the stain or fraying the carpet. What’s worse than a faded spaghetti stain on a white sham? A faded spaghetti stain that’s been scrubbed to death leaving a fuzzy orange circle on a white sham. For carpets, twist counterclockwise, against the clockwise grade, to loosen the stain from the fibers.

  6. Make sure that you’re using the right products. When water, vinegar, and a little elbow grease aren’t enough, we recommend trying eco-friendly alternatives to popular stain-fighters. Check out Planet’s line of natural cleaning supplies, gentle on the environment, but tough on even the most stubborn of stains.

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