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Contact Us

Feel free to let us know any feedback on the content, relevant news that may benefit other visitors, or personal experiences about the performance of a product or system. Since the Return On Investment calculations include actual commercial and residential statistics we always welcome additional data.

Also let us know if you would like to submit an article on a particular topic. As well, we are building a national showcase that profiles other Green Office and Home Improvement projects and High Performance properties across the country. Please submit links to your photos with accompanying descriptions in the form below.

For COMMERCIAL or RESIDENTIAL Energy Reduction and Consulting Services, please briefly describe the project and your location, and we will get back to you first via email and then discuss the opportunity to help you save money and the environment... plus make a healthier workplace or home.

GREENandSAVE partnered with America's largest online retailer to leverage their e-commerce platform. Amazon also powers the retail web site for Target, and we are pleased to be in such fine company. Manufacturers: To submit ‘green’ products for review and inclusion in our store, please fill in the form below and/or send samples information to:


        North American Headquarters
        Greater Philadelphia - 555 South Goddard Blvd, Suite 332, King of Prussia, PA 19406


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