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"The Great Green Home Show" LIVE: WILM Sunday 11 AM to NOON
Sponsorship Opportunities
"The Great Green Home Show” is pleased to present three levels of participation for companies and organizations that would like to reach ‘green’ minded Americans. Please note that our listeners find value in the product and service offerings of our sponsors, and we view each entity as ‘Marketing Partners.’ So, our team takes the time and effort to review each offering and we reserve the right to turn down sponsors that do not add value to our listeners. To request a Sponsorship review, please email
a link to your company/organization and let us know your level of interest from the tiers below:
Levels: | Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly |
LEVEL I: “Green Frog” Sponsorship | $135 | $540 | $1,620 |
LEVEL II: “Bald Eagle” Sponsorship | $200 | $800 | $2,400 |
LEVEL III: “Green Fox” Presenting Sponsor | $250 | $1,000 | $3,000 |
The minimum sponsorship commitment for each level is 6 months, and the costs above are based on an average 4 shows per month. Sponsorship invoices are billed monthly with payment due net 30 days from receipt.
LEVEL I: “Green Frog” Sponsorship
Sponsor benefits include:
A.( 1 ) 30 second commercial during showtime, plus three 15 second
weekly commercials aired 6 am to 9pm on WILM.
B. 2 Mention during show.
C. 1 guest appearance a year:
Web-site: Level 1/ Green Frog. Sponsors will be recognized on the front page of GGHS programs. GF Sponsors will be included in the Partners page of the web-sites with contact information to the sponsors.
Marketing, Outreach and Education: GF Sponsors will be incorporated into sponsor credits at community outreach and print advertising promoting the "The Great Green Home Show" media products, lectures and outreach programs
"The Great Green Home Show" Green Frog Sponsorship
$135 week 1 year/ 6 months commitment
LEVEL II: “Bald Eagle” Sponsorship
1. As Bald Eagle sponsor you get all of the Green Frog benefits plus: another 30 second commercial aired during the show ((Total of 2 during show ( 30 Sec.)) Sponsor and Mention of your own weekly Special Feature on the "The Great Green Home Show" Four 15 second commercials during the week for your company. ( A total of 24 to 28 promotional commercials during the week, 6 to 9.
Commercials announce the show's time, date and topic and the sponsors name....Every other week.. )
Radio: “The Great Green Home Show”. Recognized by announcement and during the Show. ( 2 times ) You will receive credits at the close of the each broadcast.
The Bald Eagle will receive recognition on the web-site in the section referring to their sponsored segment with logo and copy to integrate sponsor as an advocate for the environment and "The Great Green Home Show".
All Bald Eagle Sponsors have the opportunity to have links to their Website and will be recognized on the Partners and Development pages of the site.
Marketing and Outreach: as above
"The Great Green Home Show" Bald Eagle Sponsorship $200 / week for 1 year/ 6 months commitment
LEVEL III: “Green Fox” Presenting Sponsor:
The Presenting Sponsor of “The Great Green Home Show” will have the leading presence in the GGHS media. You get all of the benefits of LEVEL I & II PLUS:
1. Sponsor will receive Presenting recognition at the start and finish of the broadcast through voice and visual web media ( 2 Corporate references per show)
2. ( A total of ( 3 ) 30 second commercials during the show ).
Sponsor will receive prominent recognition, with logo, on the Home Page of the WILM 1450 AM TGGHS web page, Web Presence at Myecoagent.com, and at GREENandSAVE.com where “The Great Green Home Show” website goes
visual and becomes a part of a large well traveled Green Business and information site.
* Shows to be simulcast on web for anyone anywhere to listen to.
* Shows will be available as Pod-cast for listening and retrieval at
anytime Logged and Archived for internet listening.
Radio: "The Great Green Home Show"
A. ** The sponsor will receive a Free Booth at the Great Green Expo**
B. A total Five 15 second commercials
C. As well as Sponsor recognition 24 to 28 times during the week on GGHS promo commercials every week.
Marketing and Outreach:
The Sponsor will receive leading credit in print advertising to promote the show Education and Entertainment
Sponsor may invite six people to view the live taping of two Shows, and interact with featured guests after the Show. Sponsor will receive promotional material for "The Great Green Home Show", media platforms, and characters to distribute to employees to promote Sponsor’s leading position in environmental advocacy.
Marketing and Outreach:
Presenting Sponsorship:
“The Great Green Home Show” Radio Show
$250/week, 1 year/6 months commitment