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Network Resources and FREE Leads for the whole year for just $49.95 |
Our website visitors are focused on home remodeling, and home inspections are the BEST WAY to assess the current situation so that they can spend their money wisely. Stop waiting for leads just from Realtors when we deliver 'interim-transaction' leads. Join our Network to get the leads and also to distinguish yourself from other Home Inspectors and Energy Auditors. Learn about ‘Green’ Home Energy Savings and Healthy Home Improvements. Build your client base and grow your business. | As a Member, You Will Receive:
NEW! - Join now and receive access to our cutting edge "Home Efficiency Reporting Tool" plus the online training necessary to utilize its power. These reports automatically provide valuable Return on Investment calculations and high-impact charts to your clients. Now you can distinguish yourself from other Home Inspectors and give homeowners the means to start saving money. View Home Efficiency Reporting Highlights
FACT 1: The Green Movement is one of the fastest growing trends in America.
FACT 2: Homeowners want to save money and make their homes healthier.
FACT 3: Home Inspectors and Energy Auditors can upgrade their services.
FACT 4: We provide the Green Guides and the Leads to grow your business.
FACT 5: Our site visitors and members are asking for your services!
#1: Personalized Marketing Materials: These include homeowner focused seasonal tune-up tip sheets, top ten ways to save on utility bills, healthy home cleaning tips, and other one-sheets and newsletters that you can email or mail out a few times a year to stay ‘top of mind’ with your past and prospective clients. View Sample |
#2: Leads from homeowners in your service area: In addition to your own marketing efforts, we feed you new business and you set the price and level of services. If you are a Home Inspector, now you can supplement work from area real estate agents and if you are an energy auditor you can add a healthy home aspect to your services. | |
#3: Green Home Performance Guides Now you can get up to speed quickly. Learn and then reference the checklists that are clearly ranked with Return On Investment statistics, so that you will have the answers at your fingertips when clients ask, "What is the cost and the payback time...?" for over 50 ways to save money and the environment with their homes. View Sample |
#4: Logo - Seal of Approval The right to use the GREENandSAVE logo on any of your marketing material to distinguish yourself on Your Web Site, Business Cards, Print Advertising, Signage, etc. |
FREE Leads for a full year. Our leads are typically $10 each, but we are waiving the per lead charges to connect the increasing demand of requests as soon as possible. PLUS Our Guarantee: If you do not perform a new home inspection within the first 12 months, we will extend your membership and free leads for another full year!
By clicking Join Now, I certify that I am either a licensed Energy Auditor or a Home Inspector.