Office Gym or Changing Room Showers

Spend $60 now and SAVE $10 each year... ROI = 16.7%

Pressure regulated high-efficiency 'Low flow' shower heads save about 50% of the water required by conventional showers because they have a 2.5 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) flow rate as compared to the conventional shower heads that use 4 or 5 gallons per minute. This also saves energy because less water must be heated for the shower. New models provide ample pressure, and for a business of roughly 10, the savings add up to hundreds of dollars per year and thousands of gallons of water. Look for Eco-Friendly shower heads that have at least 1.6 GPM flow rate and a 'Full Spray Pattern'. The ROI Calculation is based on one low flow shower head.

Payback Time in Years: Added Cost: Annual SAVINGS 5 Year SAVINGS Return on Investment (ROI):
6.0 $60 $10 $50 16.7%


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