Non-renewable energy: Part 3

GREEN HOME SHOW #36: Non-renewable energy: Part 3 Interview Questions for Katherine Maroney of Ecos Corporation is pleased to offer our members and website visitors original content that helps all of us save money and the environment. In addition to our ongoing research and writing on energy saving and home remodeling, we have partnered with THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW to offer you content like this that includes script excerpts from the weekly radio show. offers the exclusive world-wide on-demand access to the audio files, so you can now read and also listen for FREE to any of the shows at anytime. You can also learn about the show’s co-hosts Paul and Doug. Click here to listen to the show of your choice: Green and Home Improvement Radio Shows

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The following content is from THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW #36.

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The content of the GGHS is solely the responsibility of the ECF and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of WILM, its sponsors or Clear Channel Radio.  Any rebroadcast, reproduction or use of the Great Green Home Show or its contents without written permission from the Green Fox, Paul Hughes, Doug Hunt, Aunt Jean, Brenna Wallace, Brooke Chase, the Watson Brothers, The Snap and the Sin City Band is strictly prohibited.

Overall Segment #3 – 12:00

Welcome back to the GGHS

Guest Segment Time – 12:00

Katherine Maroney of Ecos Corporation

Before joining Ecos Corp, our guest worked as the Chief of Staff for Congressman John Porter, representing a district near Chicago. She worked primarily on issues relating to the environment and foreign assistance. Prior to her time on Capitol Hill, she worked at Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE), a non-profit organization that helps to connect US legislators interested in global environmental issues with their counterparts around the world, serving on the GLOBE Board until 2005. In addition, she currently serves as President of the Board of the Pt. Lookout Farmlife and Watershed Preserve Foundation, an organization that works to promote awareness among children and adults of the inter-connectedness of art, science and the environment in Pennsylvania and Delaware. She also serves on the Board of the Brandywine Conservancy.

Her primary work over the last five years has been working on various Ecos Corp projects with DuPont, helping them to be a little greener. Please join us in welcoming Katherine Maroney… or should I say Kats Maroney?

Good morning Katherine and welcome to the GGHS. Thanks for joining us today!

  1. your back did you get where you are ...
  2. who is Ecos and what do you do
  3. tell us about your job and past involvement with big business
  4. what are you working on now
  5. legislature: where are we and what can we as citizens do to move things along
  6. the areas of need on the planet as you see it, in order of importance
  7. What can businesses do....
  8. the future what do you see and what needs to happen...
  9. 3 things you do around the house....
  10. important websites?

Check the Radio Show Segments on for the ANSWERS!

Overall Segment #4 – 9:00

Welcome back to the GGHS. Guest Segment (continued) – 8:00 Catherine Maroney Of Ecos Corp.

Sign-off, thank sponsors and crew, announce next weeks guests (Doug) – 1:00. We’d like to thank our sponsors: Suntrust Mortgage, CMI Electric, Energy Services Group, and Option Insurance Group, and also, thanks to our guests today: Katherine Maroney from Ecos Corp.

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