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GREEN HOME SHOW #41: Renewable energy (continued): Part 1 Energy situation and green movies
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The following content is from THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW #41.
Copyright Disclaimer:
The content of the GGHS is solely the responsibility of the ECF and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of WILM, its sponsors or Clear Channel Radio. Any rebroadcast, reproduction or use of the Great Green Home Show or its contents without written permission from the Green Fox, Paul Hughes, Doug Hunt, Aunt Jean, Brenna Wallace, Brooke Chase, the Watson Brothers, The Snap and the Sin City Band is strictly prohibited.
Overall Segment #1 – 9:00
Music & Introduction – 5:30
Good Morning!!! Welcome to another edition of the Great Green Home Show... we’re sure glad that you could join us this morning.
We hope you enjoyed last week's best of the Great Green Home Show episode. The information is still very relevant and we were very pleased to be able to re-run it. Remember, there’s a growing Renaissance going on in the city of Wilmington and moving into the city can often save you a lot of money and reduce your carbon footprint. We’ll be doing a show soon on the potential advantages and direct savings of moving into the urban areas, by taking advantage of things such as public transportation, close proximity to work, shopping, car share, etc…
Some of you are just waking up and some are out getting coffee or your Sunday paper or donuts. Not to worry! if you’re not in a position to write down all the juicy tidbits we’re going to put out today… no problem… you can just go to the website later at WILM.com... use the keyword - green... any time you feel the urge, and listen to this or any week’s show. Most shows are posted by Monday afternoon... So grab your organic, half-caff, skim, low-foam, no-whip, double latte mocha-chino - or last night's Hawaiian cheese steak and tofu Pizza from under the couch (we won’t judge you) and get ready to be amazed.
I’m Doug Hunt and next to me is my co-host, Paul Hughes. What’s on your mind this week?
Hi everybody, nice to be back... today I want to talk about coal and its relation to renewable energy and where the subsidies for Renewables and Coal are really going....
In order to understand where the money is being used you have got to understand the system as set up so...lets look at the Iraqi money flow as an example....
Now look at the flow of tax money to abate carbon....to Dow and other large companies and groups like the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium... 66.7 million for Carbon Sequestration... and this is the Department of Energy's fourth largest sequestration project. And who are the members of this Consortium who are receiving all this money... worth looking into
oh by the way the people receiving this money are the Archer Daniels Midland group and other large chemical companies....
the other three groups are receiving about 318 million and what they call regional carbon reduction partnerships
my point here is maybe we should just reduce the use of carbon and investor in renewable technology with a kind of money that we can put towards our renewable resources and conservation we can easily, according to many professors, reduce our carbon output by 30% for conservation over the next few years and we can supplant carbon produced electricity by 25 to 30% if we hustle over the next 25 to 40 years..... that leaves somewhere between 45 and 40% to fill with existing nuclear and gas.... with moderate cost technologies, sequestration being extremely expensive at this point, we could probably reduce the carbon in that group by a good percentage through biomass and filtration technologies, although they will never clean up call Nicole gasification at this point is still dirty and very expensive.. this would put us beyond our goals to stop the pollution and global warming.
Call your congressman, if you're in a coal state call your local government... join activist group... and remember if you're against something he got a before something else or replaces it.....
Oh yes, we are re-building the website so it can accommodate more information about living a more sustainable lifestyle. We were reporting with a lot more features and information about where to live, how to live better, and how to upgrade your own home to reduce your carbon footprint, and energy use. So please bear with us. We should be up and running as soon as we can get everything downloaded and available. For help in finding energy-efficient homes in the suburbs or in the city. also go to GreenandSave.com...its the Amazon.com of the green world. Doug, remind us of that great green expo on March 29....
“The Great Green Expo” on March 29th at the Chase Riverfront Center.
Okay, so you’ve had a week off without me threatening you, or me apologizing for threatening you, or me threatening to apologize to you. So this week I’m going in another direction altogether. Yes, I’m talking about a good old fashioned guilt trip topped with some savory peer pressure and a side of oven-roasted humiliation. Think about how horrible you're going to feel if you miss the Great Green Expo. We won't even mention the great green companies and green products that will be there or the money you’ll save or the carbon footprint you’ll be reducing. We don’t want you to think about how you’ll be setting an example of ambivalence and complacency, or the potential for some green networking or the possible job opportunities or the awesome new ideas that’ll be lurking at every corner of this event.
Now, let's just for a second suppose Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie show up at the Expo. I know what you’re saying. You’re saying “I couldn’t care less if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie show up at the Great Green Expo”. Okay and rightly so… you say you don't care, and that you’re only concerned about composting or some new portable recycling bins, or that you’re looking for some organic cotton clothes. You don’t care about some movie stars and if you don't see them, well it’s no skin off of your apples. But you just never know who’ll show up to these things. There are an awful lot of “A-listers” like Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Beckensale or Beyoncé, or even Eddie Murphy that have an environmental conscience. “Now”, you say, “that would be different”. You’d feel really left out... like you made like the biggest mistake of your like whole life... now I’m not saying that any of these movie stars are going to be there... but what if they did show up... and you weren't there… wouldn’t you feel like a schmuck… I’m just sayin’…
Speaking of people who’re going to be there, just to remind you, we have a terrific world music group coming up from DC and they will be debuting their new world peace CD. In addition, we’ll have Scott Bernie and the Sin City Band with a lot of friends sitting-in, like Mark Unruh and some other really outstanding local musicians. If you haven't heard this melding of bluegrass, country and rock you're in for a treat. Great music, great food, a chance to win terrific door prizes and then, all sorts of green vendors and businesses from all over the country. Paul? What will you be doing from 9 to 5 on Saturday, March 29th? I’ll be at the first annual Great Green Expo at the Chase Riverfront Convention Center, of course! Good! Now please thank our sponsors.
Thanks to: – CMI Solar Electric - Energy Services Group - Suntrust Mortgage of Christiana - Myecoagent.com and Option Insurance Group. Also, Mark Unruh for the great music… Protect us Doug…