Insulated Walls

Spend $750 now and
SAVE $300 each year...
ROI = 40%


Properly insulate your house since 50% of the energy that a single family house consumes goes toward heating and cooling. Save energy, reduce utility costs, and improve comfort. Proper installation is key because compressed areas and gaps can significantly reduce effectiveness. Additional advantages of proper insulation include fire resistance and safety, plus noise reduction.

When choosing the appropriate type of insulation for your job, consider the insulating capacity, fire resistance, convective heat loss, moisture control, and settling and loss of insulating capacity. Insulate all exterior walls to at least R-19. Loose-fill or 'Blow-in' insulation is sprayed into spaces such as existing walls, attics, or hard to reach places. Loose-fill costs between $.50-.80 per sq.ft, or about $1,500 for a 2000 sq.ft. house, less with Tax Credits.

Select a 'Formaldehyde-Free' insulation to save on air quality and health, such as green insulation made from recycled blue jeans, newspapers, or other cellulose materials, or soy, cotton or sheep wool batting.

The ROI Calculation is based on saving $15 a month. Also, if you purchase the correct type of insulation, you could be eligible for a Tax Credit.

TAX CREDITS: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provides you with a 30% Tax Credit for Insulated Walls that are put into service by the end of 2010. This tax credit item is only for existing homes, not new construction, that is your primary residence and it includes ONLY the cost of materials and NOT installation. (3 KEY POINTS - #1: The tax credit cap is $1,500 on collective home improvement elements other than Geo-Thermal 'Ground Source' Heat Pumps, Solar Hot Water Heating, Solar Photovoltaic, and Fuel Cell systems - which each have no cap and are eligible through 2016. #2: The tax credits for exterior 'weatherization' improvements like windows, doors and insulation do not include the cost of installation! #3: If you reach the $1,500 cap in 2009, you are not eligible for additional tax credits in 2010.) Choose Insulation for Walls that meet these criteria to get the Tax Credit; and check products carefully, because in many cases an ENERGY STAR certification does not necessarily meet the tax credit requirements below:
• Must meet 2009 IECC & Amendments
• For insulation to qualify, its primary purpose must be to insulate (Example: vapor retarders are covered, insulated siding does not qualify).
• Must be expected to last 5 years OR have a 2-year warranty.
• Please note that qualified insulated attic hatch and stair covers will count for the tax credit and they often have a very high return on investment.
• To qualify for the Federal tax credit, homeowners must only meet the level of insulation required for the area they are insulating. For example, a homeowner can choose only to insulate their attic to the levels required in the 2009 IECC and still be eligible for the tax credit. For most homeowners, this will mean adding an additional R-19 to R-30 insulation to their attic. If a homeowner insulates part of their home to a level below the 2009 IECC, this would not qualify.
• Required insulation levels will vary by region and will include insulation that is already installed in your home. For an idea of required Insulation levels, check out this map by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association.






Spray in insulation has the distinct
advantage of filling in around pipes and
electrical elements like outlets, in this
case a wall sconce.
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