Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs add to the beauty of your yard while also providing shade to your home. This section provides informative articles about tree planting and selection tips, pruning trees, tree care, tree removal, planting shrubs, pruning shrubs and shrub care. Learn more about the benefits of trees and shrubs!
Trees and Shrubs
  • Trees and Shrubs

    Consider: Planting Shrubs, Pruning Shrubs, Pruning Trees, Shrub Care, Tree Care, Tree Planting and Selection Tips, and Tree Removal.

    Trees and shrubs are an important and valuable feature in any landscape. To put the ‘value’ in perspective, each mature tree over multiple decades delivers air filtration, soil creation, and habitats that would cost tens of thousands of dollars to replicate if man made machines needed to do the job.
  • Natural Windbreaks are Best at Reducing Heat Loss

    Based on research by The Department of Environmental Protection, natural windbreaks are the most effective component in cutting winter heat loss. An energy savings of up to 40 percent is possible from diminished wind velocity and reduced air infiltration into your home. Considering the average heating bill, that could mean a savings of up to $400 per winter!

    An excellent example of a wind screening tree is the thuja green giant. It was introduced for just this purpose by the U.S. National Arboretum.

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