| Green News, Tips, and Services for saving money, energy and the planet. | Saving Your Money and the Planet One Household at a Time

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Green News and Entertainment
The reporting and research to keep you up to date with all the latest green news and events.

Home Remodeling
The reporting and return on investment research to give homeowners perspective and insight on saving money, energy and the environment.

Office Remodeling
The reporting and return on investment research to give business owners perspective and insight on saving money, energy and the environment.

Eco Services
Direct access to the top people who help you Take Action and drive efficiency at home and at work.

Green Job Training
The resources that let you and the next generation shift into the Green Economy.

Today's News Highlights

Philadelphia Meeting Spaces

Ways that AI will change bookings for Philadelphia Meeting Spaces

AI can hopefully help make human habitation of earth more sustainable, and AI can also help with bookings for meetings about sustainability.

Philadelphia Meeting Spaces

5 Advantages of Philadelphia Meeting Spaces over New York and Washington, DC

Sustainability is about survival and affordability is often key for companies to survive and also thrive.

LED Saving Solutions

Federal tax De-Coder
Our team of experts read and de-coded the 400 page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act so that you wouldn't have to. We made it simple for you to easily take advantage of these government incentives.

Free Federal Tax Incentive De-Coder