Colds: Healing Winter Flues Blues the Natural Way

Farrah Sarafa
Posted on Wednesday 3rd February 2010
Are you one of those people that pop over the counter drugs to heal your cold? If so, do you know that the acetaminophen present in Tylenols and other such meds may, under certain circumstances, cause liver toxicity? Instead of strengthening our immune systems, over the counter drugs promote physical dependency and actually weaken our ability to fight off sicknesses. Vitamin C, echinacea, apple cider vinegar and sleep are simple and effective cold remedies that would never elicit such dangers; so it’s time to make the switch back to natural!

Top Five Remedies for the Winter Flues Blues

1. Echinacea (“purple coneflower”):
An immune system enhancer, echinacea is regarded highly for curing upper respiratory infections and common colds. Extensively used by North Plains Indians, it has a rich history in American herbalism. It promotes the production of immune system cells, antibodies and new tissue growth. $300 Million dollars is spent annually on this remarkable anti-fungal. Ingesting it in tincture form (with Goldenseal and alcohol) is most effective.

2. Astragalus:
A Chinese herb that’s most effective when made into a soup, this ancient immune system enhancer is known to cure heart disease. It is available in herbal pills, tinctures, or root form, although I have found that it works best when you boil the root in water for about 30 minutes and drink it like a tea. Mix burdock with astragalus, and brew up a blood cleansing tonic.

3. Vitamin C:
A water-soluble, age-fighting vitamin, found mostly in citrus, tropical and other bright-colored fruits, Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. Helping to maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, and muscles, this antioxidant needs to be taken regularly throughout the day, but no more than 2000 mg per day. Despite controversial findings on Vitamin C’s efficacy in curing the common cold, my personal experiences only attest to its remarkable power in healing the Winter Flues Blues.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:
An extraordinary antiseptic, body balancer and health remedy, this spectacular tonic has earned remarkable raves from people in recent decades. Promoting decrease in gout, high blood pressure, sinus infections and acid reflux, apple cider vinegar is a miracle worker worth trying next time you start to cough or sniffle.

5. Exercise:
Cardio work, be it a 3 mile jog or an intense, one hour spinning class is a phenomenal way to beat a cold. Fresh blood and oxygen flow through an infected person’s body, minimizing bacterial survival rate. Spinal alignment and solid, muscular physique does wonders to the Flues Blues victim. Pilates, yoga and other anaerobic forms of exercise help to relax muscular tension. Flues and colds can be the result of stress or overwork, and physical activity is recommended to keep the body and mind healthy. Stretching and re-oxygenating the body is disease-fighting and remarkably re-balancing.

All five alternative remedies, especially used in conjunction with one another, will help to fight your winter cold. Before reaching for that over-the-counter, synthesized bottle of pills, try a cheaper, safer, and more natural approach. For instance, a shot of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and then again after breakfast may be all you need to beat that flu. Or steep astragalus in water and drink a hot cup of it. Add some echinacea to your water and go for a run. Even drinking a tall glass of orange juice can be just what your body needs to beat the flu.

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