Spend $500 now and Save $500 per year with these Energy-Saving Tips!

Sean Darras - Contributing Writer
Posted on Thursday 14th May 2009

Do you want to make $500 extra dollars every year for the rest of your life? By doing these three incredibly simple tasks you can decrease your energy consumption, decrease your impact on the environment, and increase the money in your wallet!

Check out these three easy to do home energy saving tips:

Energy Saving Tip #1: Replace your Shower Heads

We all love a steady hot shower in the morning. However, you may not even notice a difference by switching to low-flow showerheads. By aerating the water as it exits the showerhead, it can still feel like the same amount of water is hitting your body. Low-flow shower heads decrease water use up to 50%, which can add up to big savings. The real savings is not coming from saving water, but rather from saving the energy required to heat the water. Two low-flow showerheads will cost about $50 and can save up to $200 per year. Save water and save and energy at home by upgrading your showerheads.

Energy Saving Tip #2: Tune up that Furnace

An annual tune-up will not only improve the safety of your furnace, but will also improve the energy efficiency. For about $200 a professional contractor will come in and clean out and optimize the efficiency of your system, which should save you between $150-$200/year in home energy costs.

Energy Saving Tip #3: Seal up Duct Leaks

One of the best energy-saving tips for your home is to seal up duct leaks. Approximately 40% of your home’s energy costs go toward heating and cooling and a good portion of that is lost through your ducts. If you choose to seal the ducts yourself simply purchase some special ‘duct sealing tape’ and make sure all joints are completely covered. Otherwise, you can hire a professional for about $400 to come in and find and repair every little leak in your duct system. The more air that you keep in the ducts the more energy you save. On average, customers save $300/year after sealing their ductwork.

All three of these energy saving tips for your home will save energy, save the environment, and save money! If you are interested in saving even more money and investing in the energy efficiency of your home, have a professional home energy auditor come out and inspect your house. Some home energy auditors will guarantee that you will save more than the cost of the audit!

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