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TIME TO ACT: Save 20% or more on HVAC. It’s important now more than ever for a sustainable future!
Optimizing PTAC units with a “smart” device is a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to achieve Residential HVAC Energy Savings. A Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner is a type of self-contained heating and air conditioning system commonly found in: Hotels, Motels, Senior Housing Facilities, Hospitals, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, and Add-on Rooms & Sunrooms.
Business owners and homeowners face increasing challenges with energy costs to save energy and money in Maine. PTAC Energy Saver offers an Adaptive Climate Controller (ACC). It is a proven HVAC energy saving device that quickly installs on PTAC units. There are many companies that claim to produce energy savings, but the ACC device is multi-panted and proven over many years. Plus, it has extensive validation tests by organizations such as:
- ConEdison, Manhattan Plaza New York City
- Environmental Test Laboratory, Ohio
- EME Consulting Engineers (Third Party), Sponsored by NYSERDA, New York
- State University of New York, Oneonta, NY
- Tim Garrison (Third Party Testing)
- McQuay Cooling Tests
- Purdue University Tests (Phoenix)
- ConEdison Tests by ERS
Typically, when an HVAC system turns off, shortly after, the blower fan motor turns off. The ACC reprograms the blower fan not to shut off but to throttle back the rpm airflow to an exceptionally low speed, quiescent level airflow or “idle speed”. This allows for a gentle but continuous air movement into the building that helps keep equilibrium of climate conditions in the occupied space and saved energy.
PTAC Energy Saver can help you navigate the complexity of HVAC energy saving choices: CONTACT PTAC Energy Saver
Here is an example of some Residential HVAC Energy Saving info for Maine:
Interest in heat pumps and solar surges in Maine, as oil and gas prices spike
FREEPORT, Maine — Maine’s heat pump and solar panel companies are seeing a new surge interest for alternative energy as oil and gas prices rise to record levels in Maine.
Phil Coupe with ReVision Energy, a solar company in South Portland, said Friday:
“We’re so swamped with interest in solar we can’t even handle an interview today,” Coupe wrote in a text message. “Residential and commercial interest has soared to unprecedented levels in the past two weeks.”
Heat pump companies said they are also seeing a bump in traffic.
"The phone's just ringing off the hook. We can't keep up with it,” Scott Libby, CEO of Royal River Heat Pumps, said. “It's going to be a busy Monday."
The units themselves can cost up to $4,500 to install, but there are significant rebates available from the state.
Efficiency Maine offers up to $800 in rebates for people installing their first heat pump, as long as they do not have natural gas. Low- to moderate-income Mainers can get even larger rebates.
"Obviously the global events of the last week or two weeks has put a finer point on just how exposed our state is and our economy is to imported oil,” Michael Stoddard, Efficiency Maine executive director, said. “Your electric bill is going to go up a little. People should know that. But it won't go up as much as how much you save on your oil. You're going to see much more that way. Heating with heat pumps is the lowest cost heating solution available in Maine.”
"The biggest return on investment is to do a single zone heat pump in your living space. That can pay for itself in two to three heating seasons,” Libby said.
Efficiency Maine and the state offer those rebates on heat pumps they say are specifically meant for cold winters. Stoddard and Libby said the units are still efficient down to 0 and even negative 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
"Do they get less efficient as the temperatures get colder? Yes, that is true. It doesn’t mean they stop working. Your car gets less efficient when you start going up a hill. Does that mean you should stop using your car and get out and walk? No,” Stoddard said.