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The Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) has a strategic partnership with Jordan Energy which is a top solar solutions provider. This article includes some highlights as well as Solar power news in Arkansas. EIC’s initial founder, Charlie Szoradi, has a long-standing relationship with Jordan Energy’s founder, Bill Jordan. Charlie engaged Bill and his team for the solar system on Charlie’s beach house in Stone Harbor, New Jersey. Charlie also recently introduced Jordan Energy to one of EIC’s largest clients for major industrial rooftop systems in Pennsylvania and Texas. Click to learn more about Sustainability_Charlie on Instagram. For his youtube channel click here: Learn from Looking.
In our consulting and system design capacity, we focus on solutions and specifications that are agnostic to specific technology providers. We undertake rigorous due diligence to determine the performance of clean technologies across the dynamic sustainability marketplace. To learn more about solar power and other clean tech partnerships, Contact Energy Intelligence team.
Here is an example of some Solar Power News in Arkansas:
Why Solar Usage is Soaring in Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — Rice, soybean, corn and cotton fields have dominated the agricultural landscape across the state. However, a new type of field is popping up everywhere. Solar fields can be found all around the country and continue to expand their footprint in the state of Arkansas.
The reason? According to the world economic forum, solar costs have fallen by as much as 80% since 2010. Leading to a solar usage surge of almost 2 thousand percent in Arkansas over the last 5 years.
"I think solar is a perfect fit for Arkansas," says Becky Keogh, the Cabinet secretary for the state's Department of Energy and Environment. "You look at solar potential and we rank in the top ten in solar potential in the U.S., so you go to where the resources are when it comes to renewables." Keogh says the recent increase solar use can be linked to the affordability for consumers. "We stand in the top 5 states for affordable and reliable generation and we want to continue that. We know in crisis times we cant reduce our reliability of energy for our citizens so this is important."
One of the driving factors for the boom in business is Act 464, passed in the Arkansas legislature in 2019. Here's how it works. A business or public entity, like a school or library, can hire a third party company to build a solar array, on their property, or anywhere in the state that connects to their utility company. The contracting company builds and maintains the solar field, and the array generates energy into the utility company's grid. The business doesn't directly power itself. Instead, they get energy credits on their utility bill. Nate Coulter with Central Arkansas Library System saw this as a great opportunity.
"We discovered that we have substantial savings. About 36k a year," Coulter said. "Over the course of our agreement is about 25 years. So that's a lot of money we can use to buy books and do what we want to do. So we're saving the taxpayers money, getting more mileage out of their tax dollars and we think we're doing something for long term sustainability for the planet."