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Save 20% or more on HVAC. It’s important now more than ever for a sustainable future!
Optimizing PTAC units with a “smart” device is a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to achieve Commercial HVAC Energy Savings. A Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner is a type of self-contained heating and air conditioning system commonly found in: Hotels, Motels, Senior Housing Facilities, Hospitals, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, and Add-on Rooms & Sunrooms.
Business owners and homeowners face increasing challenges with energy costs to save energy and money in Ohio. PTAC Energy Saver offers an Adaptive Climate Controller (ACC). It is a proven HVAC energy saving device that quickly installs on PTAC units. There are many companies that claim to produce energy savings, but the ACC device is multi-panted and proven over many years. Plus, it has extensive validation tests by organizations such as:
- ConEdison, Manhattan Plaza New York City
- Environmental Test Laboratory, Ohio
- EME Consulting Engineers (Third Party), Sponsored by NYSERDA, New York
- State University of New York, Oneonta, NY
- Tim Garrison (Third Party Testing)
- McQuay Cooling Tests
- Purdue University Tests (Phoenix)
- ConEdison Tests by ERS
Typically, when an HVAC system turns off, shortly after, the blower fan motor turns off. The ACC reprograms the blower fan not to shut off but to throttle back the rpm airflow to an exceptionally low speed, quiescent level airflow or “idle speed”. This allows for a gentle but continuous air movement into the building that helps keep equilibrium of climate conditions in the occupied space and saved energy.
PTAC Energy Saver can help you navigate the complexity of HVAC energy saving choices: CONTACT PTAC Energy Saver
Here is an example of some Commercial HVAC Energy Saving info for Ohio:
Northeast Ohio building owners see benefit from DOE rooftop unit challenge
Rooftop units, or commercial packaged air conditioners, are used to condition more than 50% of all commercial floor space in the U.S. Like the rest of the country, RTUs are the most common HVAC equipment found in low-rise commercial buildings around the Greater Cleveland area.
These units are easy to install and, as a result, are typically the least expensive option when constructing a building. Aging buildings with older, legacy RTU models often are left with equipment that still runs (usually), but is inherently inefficient and lacks the ability to properly control humidity.
A few years ago, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a challenge to HVAC manufacturers to build a rooftop unit that was 50% more efficient than a traditional unit. The thinking was a shift in efficiency with rooftop units could have a big impact on energy usage in buildings given how prevalent they are across the country.
Daikin, the world’s largest HVAC manufacturer, was the first to meet the challenge with their Rebel Commercial Packaged Rooftop System. The introduction of the Rebel changed the game for rooftop equipment. No longer just the “cheap option” for new equipment, RTUs can now offer a lifetime economical option thanks to technologies like inverter compressors, variable speed drives, energy recovery options and intelligent control. These units also can provide temperature and humidity control that was previously not achievable with a rooftop packaged system.
The Rebel produces a 20.6 IEER and up to 43% energy savings over ASHRAE’s 90.1 energy standard. While numbers like this are often viewed skeptically, the General Services Administration recently conducted field tests of the unit as part of its Proving Ground program and found that it did yield significant savings.
“Because the performance ratings at standard conditions do not necessarily represent the ‘true’ seasonal energy efficiency, this field test provides a more realistic performance comparison, and demonstrates that savings are still significant compared to standard RTUs,” said Srinivas Katipamula, Ph.D. Advanced Building Controls, Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory who conducted the field test.
The study recommends using the new technology when replacing units at the end of their useful life. To read more about the GSA’s field evaluation, click here.