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Our GREENandSAVE Staff is pleased to provide our members and readers with updates on sustainability initiatives that help promote environmental stewardship and health.
Student Farmers is a growing group of students who are committed to in-home and in-school sustainable farming as a means to promote physical fitness and environmental stewardship.
Our Mission: To improve health and nutrition education, combat the challenges of climate change, and support each other in generating some revenue to help pay for college.
Our Vision: To increase knowledge about the advantages of eating more heathy and locally grown vegetables across the range of high school and college age students. We also hope that many of the parents of the students will learn from their children’s engagement in our organization and adopt a diet with less processed foods to reduce the growing cost of healthcare.
On Wednesday February 23, 2022 Student Farmers engaged with its first Student Ambassador to help promote heathy, home-grown, and eco-friendly microgreens.
The new Student Ambassador is for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Region 3.
Region 3 includes DE, Washington, DC, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WV
Student Ambassador Contact: StudentFarmer.Ian@gmail.com
Student Farmers welcomes the addition of other Student Ambassadors for Region 3 as well as the other regions across the U.S.: https://studentfarmers.org/region-3/
This Student Farmers U.S. map is clickable to make it as easy as possible for students to find Ambassadors and Mentors in their region and in their state. The goal of this resource is to provide the support for successful cultivation. If you would like to become a Ambassador or a Mentor please Contact Us. Note that Ambassadors are students in either high school or college and Mentors are typically agriculture professionals who are interested and available to share their insights.