Solar American City: Philadelphia

Philadelphia as a “Solar American City” – that’s what the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability (MOS), led by Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, has set as their goal.
Philadelphia as a “Solar American City” – that’s what the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability (MOS), led by Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, has set as their goal.
Events For 04/01/09 (Wednesday)
Event Organizer: Churchville Nature Center
The Federal Housing Administration has recently expanded on its previous loan program, known as the Section 203(k) rehabilitation loan program. The new "Streamlined (k)" Limited Repair Program seeks to broaden the scope of the loans by making them available to more people, as well as opening the loans up to new products and energy efficient technologies.
On a daily basis, consumers are subject to countless advertisements and news clips detailing what should and should not be eaten. And while new diets emerge every day, rarely is it the case that we are not asked to give something up. No-carb, smaller portions, low-fat, vegan, dairy-free, salt-free, raw, or here’s an all time favorite, the grapefruit diet.
Events For 03/23/09 (Monday)
Event Organizer: Energy Coordinating Agency
In the world of packaged bars, we have a lot from which to choose. Nowadays there are bars for everything to meet the demands of our faster-paced consumer-oriented culture. No time for a bowl of cereal? Have a milk and cereal bar. Need fiber, but don’t like vegetables? Fiber bars are the newest craze. Want to max out your protein needs for the week in 5 minutes?
GREENandSAVE has partnered with the St. Norbert School in Paoli in order to better educate their students with an Eco-Curriculum about the environmental challenges we face as a nation, and as a global community. The Eco-Curriculum is a multi-faceted lesson plan that helps students to understand what sustainability really means.